Shanmuga habaya Crisis: Final Recommendations of the Human Rights Commission released today (Full Report)

Shanmuga habaya Crisis: Final Recommendations of the Human Rights Commission released today

The Principle of Shanmuga, Zonal Director, Provincial Director and Secretary to Ministry have violated the Fundamental Rights of the Muslim Teachers: HRC finds

Following the incident where Muslim female teachers of Trincomalee Sri Shanmuga Hindu Ladies College were forbidden by the School administration from wearing Habaya- Muslim Cultural dress – to School, Voices Movement has been fighting for the Rights of the affected teachers.

With the guidance of Voices Movement, the affected teachers have lodged a complaint at Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka that their Fundamental Rights have been violated by the School administration.

Following the inquiry by the HRC in numerous sessions and Having 10 months passed since the lodging of complaint,  Human Rights Commission has released its final recommendations today (18).

In a 9 pages report by the HRC, the commission finds that first respondent; Principle of Shanmuga Hindu Ladies College has violated the Fundamental Rights of the complainants guaranteed in the Article 10, 12(1), 12(2) and 14 of the Constitution.

The Commission also finds that the rights of the complainants enshrined in Article 12(1) and 2 have been infringed by the actions of the Third and fourth respondandants, the Provincial Director of Education and Secretary to the Ministry of Education respectively who transferred the complainants who are teachers of a national school to a provincial school without following the due process.

Commission further finds the second, third and fourth respondents –Zonal Director of Education, Provincial Director of Education and Secretary to the Ministry of Education respectively- who are the supervisory authorities did not take remedial actions to address the violation of Articles 10 and 14 (e) experienced by the complainants and they too are responsible for the said violations due to their inaction.

The commission directs the respondent school to ensure the complainants are able to wear the dress of their choice, Habaya to perform their duties at their assigned school- Sri Shanmuga Hindu Ladies College, Trincomalee where they should be allowed to work without hindrance or harassment.

The commission calls upon the Zonal and Provincial director of education and secretary to the ministry of education to ensure the complainants are able to wear the dress of their choice, the abaya to perform their functions at their assigned school Sri Shanmuga Hindu Ladies College where they should be allowed to work without harassment or hindrance.

Click here to find the full Report of the HRC:

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